Saturday, 25 June 2016

BC Numeracy Project: Visions and Goals for Balanced Numeracy

The Provincial Numeracy Focus Group team members met in Victoria for two days at the beginning of June to share how the BC Numeracy Project had been enacted in their districts and to vision and plan for next year. We had an ambitious to do list, continuing on from our meetings last year and our tele-conferences over this school year.

An essential part of this project is considering the principles and practices of Balanced Numeracy and framing this within the parameters of BC's redesigned curriculum. As we thought about how teachers think of Balanced Literacy, we considered (and debated) the elements of Balanced Numeracy. We took some time to brainstorm models and frameworks, thinking about how a simple shape might be a good design for a framework. 
At the end of our two days together, we felt good about where things are heading and what we need to do to get things in place to launch for next year. Our group meets at the beginning of September again to finalize our framework and website. There will be lots of resources to support teachers as they move forward with BC's mathematics curriculum as well as ways to highlight the importance of numeracy in general. Literacy and Numeracy are indicated as the two pillars of BC's curriculum and one of the goals of this project is to heighten awareness in BC around numeracy.

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